Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Words I'll Never Say

There are so many things I want to say to so many people, people from my past and present, but cannot for a variety if reasons. 

People always encourage speaking your mind or saying what you need to say (thank you john mayer). This isn't really possible in a number of situations though. 

I fear what consequences ny words would have on already sensitive situations, on already angry people, on comfortably oblivious or uninterested people, or on people new to situations that I am perhaps now considered to be removed from. 

Selfishly, I wonder, where does that leave me? When or how can I find peace? I am simply not the kind of person who can just "accept."  Letting go is hard enough, and when there are things left to be said, how can it really be done? 

Monday, August 26, 2013

In a time of turmoil.

I came across this quote recently:

"Don’t rely on your mind for liberation. It is the mind that brought you into bondage.
Go beyond it altogether."

I have really been trying to keep this in mind lately because my mind is, without a doubt, my worst enemy. I go from idea to idea and spiral into an abyss of self-doubt and regret without even being conscious of what I'm doing. To me, this quote is telling you to look past your mind and your thoughts for answers. Getting in touch with yourself at a deeper, possibly spiritual level is more liberating than any mental decision because it allows all possibilities, all directions. No "path" is left behind, all remains and a natural progression will fall into order as long as you are in touch with yourself at all times. 

Originally I considered this a new way of thinking for me. Now I understand it is a new way of being. Finding a way to become consistently connected to your inner self is essential. You don't feel like doing a specific task today? Don't do it You don't want to talk to a particular person today? Then don't. Making the decision to live for yourself is a huge one, but it is also one that liberates you mind, body and soul. 

And I'm ready for that journey.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Went to ANOTHER new doctor today. This makes it the ninth doctor I've seen in the last 18 months. 

She wants me to go for a brain MRI, an EEG, and a sleep study to see what more she can find out. 

I'm so nervous and stressed about it but it seems like no one ever really wants to listen. I feel like I can't really talk to anyone about it because 1) people have their own problems, and 2) people usually just aren't interested. 

I just want answers. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

And, just like that

I came across this little gem. I was feeling quite sullen (see previous blog post) but this sort of provided me a new perspective:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Battle Born.

I have really been feeling stuck in a rut lately. In my life, my rut-like feelings can range from small, shallow, chip in the road kind of ruts to gaping, perpetual, canyon kind of ruts, and I am currently experiencing the latter. Obviously this is quite normal for any human, and we generally refer to them as life's ups and downs, but this time, I just can't rid myself of this horrible crushing feeling on my rib cage as if I'm drowning, above water. 

I find myself questioning almost every aspect of not only my personal life, but life in general. No, this isn't turning into a blog slash ramble about the meaning of life... Just a simple, what makes me happy? And how do I get there? post. 

It seems I have been more focused on what makes me unhappy, and while I try to steer clear of negativity, I found myself returning to these points, and for the longest time I couldn't understand why. But now I do. I know what makes me unhappy... I just haven't quite figured out what makes me happy. 

I am hugely unhappy with living in Las Vegas. I never liked it here but have grown to utterly despise it over the last four years or so (one of which I wasn't even here).  I mean no disrespect to those who live here or enjoy living here, I just cannot bear it for myself. I don't like the lifestyle, I don't like the weather, I don't like the neighborhoods, and quite frankly, I don't like most of the people. I have lived in several towns in England, on Hawai'i island, and in Las Vegas, and if I can say one thing about living in this city, it's that people are, quite frankly, mean. 

Which leads me to my next point. People. I have been quite unlucky in my choice of romantic partners and in friends since I moved to the U.S.  Thankfully now I have a nice, loving boyfriend and a very small group of real girlfriends, but I have met far more ugly (and I don't mean physically) people. I have never encountered so many people who neither see nor feel accountable for their actions. I have never met so many people who thrive on malice and spew hurtful words purely for a cheap laugh. I have never been around so many people who concern themselves with business that has nothing to do with them, only to add their unqualified and often nasty input.  People take it upon themselves to judge so quickly and usually tailor these judgments to suit their personal agendas. People are so quick to accept one side of a story as true without any regard to forming an educated, unprejudiced opinion. And without playing a victim, I seem to have suffered at the hands of people like this fairly frequently through my teens until now. I have been so incredibly hurt on more occasions I can count. I have been judged, lied to, disappointed, used and manipulated and regardless of what people may choose to believe about me from afar, I really do not have a thick skin. I am a changed person as a result of what I have allowed people to do to me, and of what people have delighted in inflicting upon me. 

I read a while back, something about people only holding as much power over you as you let them. While in theory I can agree with this, I find it very difficult in particular cases to agree with. I don't want these people or these situations to have a hold on me, and I know they shouldn't...but they do. My favorite quote (not to appear trite) about this matter is one from Rose Kennedy:

It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.

I guess this is ultimately my struggle. Getting to the point where my circumstances, my relationships, my friendships and other things in my life that are beyond my realm of control no longer affect me.  So much of my life has been dictated to me by forces way larger than myself, and only very few people who know me truly understand this. I am so ready to give up the battle, not because I am a quitter, but because I now know I will not win. 

This is not a bad thing, despite the initial austere tone it may evoke. Life is about choosing your battles, and choosing them wisely, and I am ready to prepare for new ones. Far away from here. 

Get To Know Me.

  • What is your middle name?Louise
  • What was favourite subject at school?: English...the way it was taught in England.
  • What is your favourite drink?:  Thai tea, but I don't drink it anymore :(
  • What is your favourite song at the moment?: I Need Your Love - Elie Goulding & Calvin Harris
  • What would you name your kids?: Not a clue.
  • Do you take part in any sports?: No.
  • Favourite book of all time?: Too many to choose from...Wuthering Heights, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, White Oleander...
  • Favourite Colour?: It changes. Right now I like yellow.
  • Favourite animal?: Baby sloths, or my dogs.
  • Favourite Perfume?: Light Blue, Fancy Love, Fabulous, Armani Code...I wear different ones depending on my mood.
  • Favourite Holiday?: Hawaii, this year.
  • Have you graduated high school?: Yes, I am almost finished with my Masters degree.
  • Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: England (obviously), Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Lanzarote, Mexico
  • Do you speak any other language?: A tiny bit of French and some Spanish
  • How many siblings do you have?: 1 
  • What is your favourite store?: Target haha or Nordstrom
  • Favourite restaurant?: I like a lot of restaurants.  The Coffee Cup for breakfast, CooCoos for lunch, and sushi for dinner.
  • Do you like school?: Not right now, I am ready to be done with it.
  • Favourite Movie?: Love Actually
  • Favourite TV show?: I don't watch much television...I like Chopped on the Food Network though.
  • PC or Mac?: Mac
  • What phone do you have?: iPhone 5
  • How tall are you: 5’6
  • What part of your body do you like the most and your least favourite?: My eyes can look nice, but I don't like anything else.
  • Friday, July 5, 2013

    Blog Revival

    I completely forgot I had a blog actually. After browsing my past posts it appears I have quite the task of editing several posts but I will get around to that eventually. 

    I am "resurrecting" my blog for two reasons. 1) In case anyone cares to see how I'm doing, as I'm going to avoid the likes of Facebook for a while, and 2) As an outlet for the tsunami of emotions I seem to be experiencing at the present moment. 

    - I have one semester of grad school left
    - I've been in a long-distance relationship since December. Never thought I would get tangled up in that again after my high school "experience" but there ya go, I never did do anything the simple way 
    - I'm still a GA at UNLV
    - I have experienced several changes in relationships since my last post
    - Doctors still can't identify my illness,and my  blood work shows I am still... less than healthful, to say the least. 

    Just a short post really, to say, "I'm baaaaaack....!" Hopefully that doesn't have a creepy, "Heeeere's Johnny"Jack-Nicholson-in-The-Shining connotation to it.  Toodles for now. xoxo